Bruce Lee said, "I don't fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. I fear the man who practiced one kick 10,000 times."
This is essentially a left arm dominated golf swing on the upswing. On the downswing, it is more of left first, then right also - a combination.
Grip (10SEP2015) and Pressure (16SEP2015)
The purpose of the grip is to ensure full automatic cocking without injuring the thumb. In other words, the thumb must not be the support of the club weight at the top otherwise it will get injured. The weight must be borne in between the left thumb and forefinger. To accomplish this, therefore, the V of the left grip must point to the right shoulder. Of course, it follows that the right V must also point the same. This position also makes it easier to execute the "clock" swing.
The grip pressure must be very light as if holding a bird. The reason is an unlikely one - to ensure that the club is pulled the longest and latest time as possible (promotes no injury and pain to the left fingers) which delays the hit and consequently get a longer distance.
Left Shoulder (11SEP2015)
The engine of the swing is the left shoulder. It consciously takes the club up and also pulls it down towards the ball. Using the clock face lying on the ground as a mental picture, keeping the head steady, the left shoulder moves slowly the shaft from 12:00 to 2:00 and starts bring it up at 3:00 all the way to the top. Then it pulls the club towards 12:00 - where the right waist takes over. By keeping the head motionless, it really forces the left shoulder to twist the body and not just make a fake upswing.
13SEP2015: Remember that this is not a plane swing. The club is only brought up when the 3:00 position is reached. There is a subtle reason for this. It is easier for me to make the turnaround move with right hip. When I bring the club up from the 12:00 position, the turnaround at times is forced and the slice happen or a hook if I over compensate.
Another way of doing this is using the left palm and pushing it downward while the right middle finger (alive grip) is used as a fulcrum.
With the alive grip, push the left arm towards the ball with the right middle finger supporting the club. Fluidly allow the club to cock smoothly - or in other words, let the left wrist break fully.
At the top
The left arm after the takeaway must finished fully cocked. This delays the hit and gives the body enough time to open up towards a picture perfect finish. Cocking is really not the best explanation but full resignation might be the better phrase or just letting the left wrist "break" backwards fully. The left wrist is cocked fully in full resignation that the hand is no longer in control - the hit can only be done by the pulling action created when the body turns for the picture perfect finish.
There is something in this upswing move that is hard to describe. The words upright, steady head hopefully can make me remember this move if I have to in the future.
One Fluid Move
At this point the motion is all feel and automatic. You will get the feeling that your mind is concentrating on where the ball should go and the mechanics of the swing is not an issue. You just feel that everything is right.
At the back swing, before you even start, you are already feeling how to bring the club up to execute the way the club face will go through the ball; how upright you want to hit it.
16SEP2015: The swing is like a ball hurler (hammer throw). The club head is the ball. The ball is fanned upward and pulled downward with the pull held as long a&s possible (see grip pressure above).
Downswing / Right Waist
The downswing has just one - only one - purpose or intent, that is, for the body to turn around to that picture perfect finish. Hitting the ball is just collateral damage.
11SEP2015: And the consequent turning of the right waist towards the target is just to facilitate the smooth movement and not to power the swing.
16SEP2015: The swing is like a ball hurler (hammer throw). The club head is the ball. The ball is fanned upward and pulled downward with the pull held as long a&s possible (see grip pressure above).
I am shanking caused by my fear of the "carpet". Fix is the roped arms of Hogan to keep the left arm straight.
22Aug2015: Right now the swing is all left with fully cocked left wrist and the hit is done by the left hand. Bring the club inside and fully cock. Remember the swing is like the face of the clock - to help me remember. This clock should remind of of the weight shift and how the clubface pronates clockwise on the backswing and counterclockwise on the hit.
22Aug2015: Right now the swing is all left with fully cocked left wrist and the hit is done by the left hand. Bring the club inside and fully cock. Remember the swing is like the face of the clock - to help me remember. This clock should remind of of the weight shift and how the clubface pronates clockwise on the backswing and counterclockwise on the hit.
11SEP2015: Eureka Moment.
Solved the riddle of the takeaway... It is the clock as described above. 16SEP2015: further Eureka Moment - it is the cupping of the left hand. This works for all, putting, chipping, pitching and full shots. 18SEP2015: Stiffen the right arm at address. This promotes the cupping and early lift of the club head. The early lift promotes the lifting of the club along the plane and in turn promotes the correct body coil. 19SEP2015: THE FINAL MENTAL IMAGE MUST BE THE FANNING OF THE CLUB FACE UPSWING AND CLOSING IT BACK BY THE RIGHT HIP DOWNSWING. HOWEVER, IF THE STIFF RIGHT ARM - QUICK COCK - STICK IT TO THE PLANE (ASS STICKER) is working, then use that instead. The execution is correct if you can pull the weight of the club while you pull the butt of the club towards the ball... This is now more like the Hogan swing so the left hand grip might have to be open (square to club face) than suggested above.
Yesterday while freely swinging at the cemetery while waiting for relatives to come, I started getting a dollar bill divot. It was the result of the STIFF RIGHT ARM address and the quick upswing by the right wrist with the right arm in full control - the flick motion of the club head to the top by the RIGHT HAND. The left side takes over on the downswing. All this happening in a smooth motion - nothing bumpy along the way at all. MAKE THIS THE NEW SWING!
27SEP2015: Power Swing With The Hips
The takeaway is a back flip at the wrist with the right hand. The right hand grip sits on top slightly so that the club "flips" towards the right shoulder on the way up. The flip pulls in the left hip. When this is felt, the left hip then moves to the left which in turn pulls the right hip around. Encourage the right hip to forcefully go around and pull the club to the ball.
09OCT2015: Jason Day Swing
This is how to execute the Jason's wind-up, pull and hit swing.
The important thing in this swing is the fluid wind-up since the torque created promotes a weight shift to the left and the resulting hit with the right hand (right hit - only if possible).
First, the right hand flips the club backwards with a backhanded motion (THERE IS NO OTHER WAY). When the shaft is parallel to the target line, the right hand cocks it up to tighten the body torque. The downswing it just an automatic release of the inhibited energy created. 31OCT2015: The left hand back SLAP after the left side muscle is pulled should be as hard as possible and two hands must be used. 02NOV2015: The hit is done with the body but it needs a very special takeaway to implement. Hold the club with a combined grip and the arms straight down but the right backhand is brought back with a backhanded motion as stated above (THERE IS NO OTHER WAY). The thing though is the takeaway is like a ROUNDHOUSE motion going to the back and the it can be pulled around with the body for a perfect finish without any extra manipulation needed. IF IMPLEMENTED CORRECTLY THE FINISH IS AUTOMATIC AND PERFECT. THE FEELING WILL VALIDATE THE TECHNIQUE. 09NOV2015: COMMON BABY LET'S DO THE TWIST! (13NOV2015) IT IS AN ALL PULL SWING WHICH INCLUDES THE TWIST HIT. 29NOV2015: Complementary with the twist is the handshake grip. It makes it a natural transition from a back flip ground level takeaway to a 90 degree upswing. 02DEC2015: The right hand flip around makes the helicopter shoulder motion possible. The shoulder rotates for the upswing. The downswing is initiated by the stamping the left foot down, which is automatically followed by the hips, then the shoulders, then the hands (all instinctively happening). 08DEC2015: cerebral explanation of the takeaway. It measures the distance of the ball to the shoulders and moves the club clockwise along the target line. IT DOES NOT LIFT THE CLUB. THE TURN OF THE SHOULDERS DO THAT. 15DEC2015: YES, THE RIGHT HAND NEVER LIFTS THE CLUB, THE SHOULDERS DO THAT. BUT THE RIGHT HAND BACK FLIP IS REALLY THERE TO PREPARE FOR THE SLAP OR HIT OF THE BALL. By the way, the proof is in the pudding. Chips will be pure and the chili dips are eliminated.
Imagine Jason's swing to complete the mental picture. Also, if the body is not twisted enough to execute the pull and hit downswing, then something is wrong.
24OCT2015: IT IS NOT A PULL, STUPID. IT IS A BACK BODY SLAP OR LIKE A ROUNDHOUSE KICK. On the upswing and using the backhand flip with the wrist, be aware that the waist will be turned clockwise. The hit is done by turn the shoulders counter-clockwise.
Technically speaking, this is still the open (upswing) and close (waist turn) implementation of the swing.