Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stick 'Em Golf



My golf quest was precipitated by an incident on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I unbelievably scored a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts. Now I believe it was the trebuchet effect - not a golf technique - that made it happen. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a trebuchet, that made my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

I remember that day at Richter Park, the 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go (like I had been doing from the first hole), just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it!

Now I know. It is Hogan's Secret Move. I finally found the basic golf swing. The Golf Quest is over. NO NEED TO SEARCH FURTHER (2024-06-01).


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I did not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target. This was the precursor to my "Picture-Perfect" finish. I will now make a rule for myself which, hopefully, I will not forget.  Always end the golf swing with the hips facing the target.

Technically Speaking

The golf swing is like playing a top.  You wind up the string around the top and throw it to let it spin. In golf, you turn the upper body until it is tight. Then the hips hurl it (the whole upper body). Two independent movements. The only conscious efforts are the upper body thrusting the club up and the weight shift of the hips to pull, turn and throw the upper body (like the top) that imparts the pull of the butt of the club to the ball which also automatically snaps the upper body to a forceful picture-perfect finish.


Parts of the Golf Swing


ALWAYS start with the mental picture of the PLANE. Then a frozen one-piece upper body with the arms bound like Hogan (RRE). The mental video is the one-piece takeaway turning along the plane with the left wrist cocking the club like a spear.

Right Ribs and Elbow (RRE)

At all times whenever physically practical, the right ribs and right elbow must be fused together. This position and feel are the essences of the golf swing. These are the body parts that are frozen one-piece and pushed around upwards at takeaway. Make sure the right shoulder is lower, the right elbow is firmly resting the inside most on the abdomen, and the crease (right elbow most important) pointing skyward. They are essential in all swings, e.g., chips, and pitches.


Objective - full coil. In order to end up automatically on the picture-perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic and, therefore, repeatable. The upswing is the function of the Shoulders. 

  1. Grip: left hand as taught by Hogan with shaft and arm aligned straight to the left shoulder.

  2. Visualize the Teaneck plane.

  3. Execute a one-piece takeaway. With the hips, go low and slow, brush the grass while turning back. Vigorously thrust backward (hurl) the club like a spear along the plane.

  4. When the left arm touches the plane, cock (optional) the left wrist (pronated automatically at this point, the back hand touching the plane) to coil the club spear at its max.


Objective: Shift the weight and pull the butt of the club in order to snap the right hip to pull and unwind the winded (tightened) upper body. The upper body, on the downswing, is an independent part of the body and UNWINDS automatically. The downswing is the function of the Hips.

  1. First move. Using the bounce, shift the weight left and thrust the butt of the club to the ball to automatically snap the right hip to uncoil the upper body along the TEANECK plane. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth. 

  2. Continue the downswing to a picture-perfect finish with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET! 

  3. Imagining the TEANECK PLANE is necessary

    • for accuracy,

    • for the clubhead to come to the same depth and place at address,

    • to be able to transition to a picture-perfect finish. 

Billiard Putting

Put it like you are playing pool or billiards.  Right arm dominates everything.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:

  1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.

  2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.

  3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.

  4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.


Always remember, the technique is to always use a pulling action. Use the same technique as putting.


  1. 2024-05-14 East Mountain GC Forgot the pull sling effect, mentally was not able to release the club.

  2. 24-05-21: 92 at Grassy Hill. Found a new automatic swing at the driving range. I was feeling helpless because my swing has deteriorated back to where I cannot clear the hips. I read my notes again and noticed Rorie's thing about a practice routine that he always does and still does. That is the split grip practice swing. This basically reminded me of the delayed hit. I tried this and, lo and behold, it actually forces me to hit a delayed right hand hit - which also clears the hips automatically. Use the RRE setup but accentuate the hands to be very forward to the ball position.  As required in the RRE, the right elbow must be on the stomach and the right arm extended to the grip of the club. This arm extension forces the grip to be quite ahead of the ball position and fosters the one-piece takeaway. (It also forces you to reach down more and puts your right shoulder down creating a nice golfer setup position.) This is to prepare for the late hit (Rorie's practice swing). Just turn around (one-piece takeaway) like Rorie and immediately hit - a quick 1, 2 swing. The right hand fires automatically. Also, the right hand grip is dominantly felt all the time, ready to work at a moment's notice. Employ what I learned here on all aspects of the golf swing, putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing. Finally, just like Hogan, the arms and grip is one solid unit.

  3. 2024-05-24: At Crestbrook with Rudy.  I can't clear my hips again. I think the solution is to let the grip go past the ball before engaging any attempt to turn around. I think when the grip is stuck downwards and passes the ball, clearing the hips becomes automatic. LET THE HIPS THROW THE UPPER BODY (CLUBHEAD), THEN CLEARING THE HIPS IS NO ISSUE! And how about a no-think swing? Possible. Just use the extreme right elbow to sit on your stomach to start a one-piece takeaway. Well, try to go further, make the right elbow really sticky so that it forces the left shoulder to twist more (there might be something to this, this is a novel idea).

  4. 2024-05-31: At Crestbrook with Rudy again. On YouTube, watch Hogan's swing again and confirm that he hits the ball when his body is already facing forward. Meaning, he hit his ball like a Side-Swing. I tried this and incorporated all the things in this History section so far and it worked! SO I WILL REWRITE ALL THIS AND REVISE THIS POSTING AND TITLE IT SIDE-SWING GOLF.

  5. 2024-07-01: Clock Spring hit for a repeating golf swing? Yes. Works, but think of it as spinning the top.

  6. 2024-06-03: Crestbrook with Ernie. Found out that the Teaneck plane is necessary for my new spin the Top shots. Try a Side-Swing delayed hit with it next time. Use the RIGHT hip!

  7. 2024-06-04: Crestbrook with Winston and Rudy. The Side-Swing and Right Hip idea work.  It has to be modified this way:

    1. IT IS REQUIRED TO KEEP THE GRIP WAY FORWARD so that the upswing is almost backward.  BELIEVE ME, MAKE A ROUNDHOUSE BACKSWING and THRUST THE CLUB BUTT TO THE BALL. This creates a delayed snapping hit THAT MAKES YOUR SHOULDERS TURN MORE on the finish. 

    2. The upswing must be a full one-piece takeaway along the plane until coiled. DO NOT UNCOIL.

    3. Keeping the body coiled, start the downswing when the RIGHT HIP feels its connection to the club's centrifugal force.

    4. SHIFT the weight to the left and THRUST THE BUTT OF THE CLUB TO THE BALL to make the RIGHT HIP automatically SNAP CLOSE, thereby, pulling, guiding along the plane, and hurling the CLUB HEAD to a side-swing hit of the ball.

    5. Watch the clubhead pass the ball.

    6. Continue to a picture-perfect pose.

  8. 2023-06-11: Crestbrook with Winston and Rudy. Found out that sticking the butt of the club works but there is still something missing.  The fault is really concentrating too much on the pull of the butt of the club but the reality is the club cannot move if you don’t consciously move the whole upper body with it. SO YOU HAVE TO HURL THE WHOLE UPPER BODY, then the thrust of the butt happens!

Thursday, May 09, 2024

110% Pull Golf Swing (CLEAR THE HIPS)


My golf quest was precipitated by an incident on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I unbelievably scored a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts. Now I believe it was the trebuchet effect - not a golf technique - that made it happen. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a trebuchet, that made my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

I remember that day at Richter Park, the 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go (like I had been doing from the first hole), just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it!

Now I know. I pulled the club grip towards the ball and unleashed my upper body, led by the hips, to turn around to a picture-perfect finish.

Technically Speaking

The golf swing is an ALL "pull" action - the butt of the club pulled BY THE TURNING HIPS towards the ball. There is a no "hit" action. The action is a clawing continuous move, rather than an abrupt stop hammer.

To make this a 110% pull effort, push the body forward so that the swing will become a total "pull" swing (actual action created by the Rory McIlroy drill found in YouTube), in effect making the club act like a claw, clawing the ball and throwing it automatically forward. THE POWER OF THE PULL - THE SLING EFFECT!

 This technical explanation of the golf swing is so important that it entitles it to be the subject and title of this article.


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I do not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target. This was the precursor to my "Picture-Perfect" finish. I will now make a rule for myself which, hopefully, I will not forget.  Always end the golf swing with the hips facing the target.


The engine (the energy or force) of the swing is the hips. Everything else should be frozen or stiff. This applies to all: putting, chipping, pitching, full shots.  Although this is not exactly what I was consciously doing when I scored the 78, I have discovered that by consciously using the hips to swing the club (and the rest static), it simplifies the understanding and execution of the golf swing as a whole. With it, one can just coil and uncoil, so to speak. THE HIPS STARTS A SERIES OF BODY PART MOVEMENTS THAT AUTO-CULMINATES TO A PICTURE-PERFECT FINISH. 


2024-05-21: Set-up with left arm and forward of ball position so that you can pull the club with the left. At the right moment, the right hand hits and that also automatically clears the hips.

Parts of the Golf Swing


ALWAYS start with the mental picture of the PLANE. Then a frozen one-piece upper body with the arms bound like Hogan. The mental video is the shoulders (like AJ) turning along the plane with the left wrist cocking the club like a spear. Why the mental picture of the plane is necessary? Because that is the only way my body can transition to the left side and to the picture-perfect pose.

Extreme L-Setup

Essential to the Frozen Technique above is the incorporation of the Extreme L-setup. The L formed by the arms and club is so extreme that the clubhead looks up rather than lie flat on the ground. This setup ensures that the club returns to the ball on the same spot at setup. Remember, the club is taken back like a spear while the shoulders travel along the plane.

Battering Ram

The introduction in the later Middle Ages (around 1400s) of siege cannons causes the end of battering rams and other traditional siege weapons. Much smaller, hand-held versions of battering rams are still used today, however, by law enforcement officers and military personnel to bash open locked doors.

Use the modern battering ram a a mental guide to execute the golf swing.  Heave the golf club backwards, cock to the top, wait for gravity, pull with the hips to bring it forward, then assist the momentum by heaving it forward to a picture-perfect finish. 


Right Ribs and Elbow (RRE)

At all times whenever physically practical, the right ribs and right elbow must be fused together. This position and feel are the essences of the golf swing. These are the body parts that are frozen one-piece and pushed by the waist during the dukot takeaway. Make sure the right shoulder is lower, the right elbow is firmly resting the inside most on the abdomen, and the crease (right elbow most important) pointing skyward. They are essential in all swings, e.g., chips, and pitches. BUT YOU MUST STILL PULL 110% to get past your mental block. USE THE JOHNNY MILLER LEFT SHOULDER PULL TO CLEAR THE MENTAL BLOCK AND CONTINUE PULLING WITH THE HIPS.

Breaking Bad Cock

The normal cock is a right angle with the back of the left hand parallel to the plane. This position, however, is not the best for me. It may be my inability to coil properly or maybe my tendency to early hit the ball that makes this right angle position not work efficiently for me.  What I know is if I break my wrist backward with the back of my left hand almost entirely facing backward of the plane, my shots tend to be pure.

Roundhouse Swing 

Don't make the golf swing complicated. It is a simple roundhouse swing. Backswing using the breaking bad cock, on the bounce, pull with the hips the butt of the club towards the ball, continue to a picture-perfect finish. DONE. Beware. The pull is not a straight pull towards the ball but a roundhouse pull. Goes to say that the upswing must be a roundhouse motion also. NO HURLING NEEDED. JUST A SMOOTH TURN IS ENOUGH. NO INTENT ON HITTING AT ALL. And like Hogan, his arms, grip, and club is one firm solid unit. 



Objective - full coil with a slight Dukot. In order to end up automatically on the picture-perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO CREATE A COUNTER WEIGHT FOR THE HIPS TO PULL AND THROW FORWARD.

  1. Grip: left hand as taught by Hogan with shaft and arm aligned straight to the left shoulder. RIGHT hand almost facing skyward to facilitate a Dukot backswing. The whole weight of the club is carried by the solid firm grip.
  2. Visualize the Teaneck plane.
  3. Lay the club on the ground behind the ball. With the hips, go low and slow, brush the grass while turning back.
  4. Execute the Dukot with the turn like Hogan described, the grip, arms, body, vigorously thrust backward (hurl) like a spear along the plane.
  5. Coil the shoulders along the plane (mental picture like Teaneck days). No active pronating is a must.
  6. When the left arm touches the plane, cock the left wrist (pronated automatically at this point, the back hand touching the plane) to coil the club spear at its max.


Objective: Facilitated by a dukot backswing and employing the RRE, COCK the LEFT WRIST unti the LEFT SHOULDER TO HIT THE CHIN and, and only then can you PUSH the club with the CHIN, hard enough to let the clubhead fling the coiled shoulders and UNWIND itself CONCIOUSLY to compress the ball and create the divot. (It is like pitching or chipping, you have to wait for the counter weight to develop before you pull the club's butt towards the ball.) YOU MUST SWING THE CLUB BY USING THE RIGHT HIP LIKE A SLAMMING DOOR, WHILE PULLING THE CLUB ALONG THE PLANE.  INCORPORATE RORIE'S EXTREME BUTT HIT?
  1. First move. Using the bounce, uncoil the butt of the club and the left arm along the TEANECK plane backwards. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth. 
  2. Second move. Using the shoulders hips, lower body, make the divot, by additionally utilizing the centrifugal force created by the pull and subsequent follow-through facilitated by the weight shift to the left. In order to get the slinging effect, more coiling of the upper body is needed and the hit is done by the arms and upper body. REPEAT, UPPER BODY FINISHES THE SWING! PAUSE THEN SWING WITH EXTREME FORCE AND HIT A HOME RUN EVERY TIME.
  3. Continue the downswing to a picture-perfect finish with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET! 
  4. Imagining the TEANECK PLANE is necessary
    1. to be able to maintain balance,
    2. for the clubhead to come to the same depth and place at address,
    3. to be able to transition to a picture-perfect finish. 


Always remember, the LEFT SHOULDER do the moving and RRE is employed. Also, do not forget to set the billiard arms in putting. Always assume that the ball will always go to where the putter is pointed at setup.  The only variable will be the speed. To get a smooth stroke, remember the putt is the same a the full golf swing - it boils down to a mini pull BY THE LEFT SHOULDER of the putter head. So the backswing must also be also be a mini throw OF THE LEFT SHOULDER of the putter head. ALL THE REST ARE FROZEN RRE.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:
  1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.
  2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.
  3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.
  4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.
  5. Remember, the visualization now is entirely different. The putt (chip) now is done by the billiard right forearm and the stroke is like a Cut.
  6. Remember to always apply the smooth stroke with the smooth transition. Execute the billiard stroke - aiming to the left and not where the putter is pointed. The mental stroke is like a cut but it comes out straight. I don't know why.
  7. ROLL the ball with the right hand. Of course, sometimes, the hit is almost un-discernable, but it is always there.
  8. The target is the front of and passed the ball.


Always remember, the technique is to always use a pulling action. Use the same technique as putting, i.e., RRE. Guide with the left SHOULDER only. REFER TO PUTTING SECTION - ESPECIALLY THE USE OF THE BILLIARD ARMS WHICH IS ACTIVE IN CHIPPING (NOT PASSIVE AS IN PUTTING).


2024-05-14 East Mountain GC Forgot the pull sling effect, mentally was not able to release the club.
24-05-21: 92 at Grassy Hill. Found a new automatic swing at the driving range. I was feeling helpless because my swing has deteriorated back to where I cannot clear the hips. I read my notes again and noticed Rorie's thing about a practice routine that he always does and still do. That is the split grip practice swing. This basically reminded me of the delayed hit. I tried this and, lo and behold, it actually forces me to hit a delayed right hand hit - which also clears the hips automatically. Use the RRE setup but accentuate the hands to be very forward to the ball position.  As required in the RRE, the right elbow must on the stomach and the right arm extended to the grip of the club. This arm extension forces the grip to be quite ahead of the ball position and fosters the one-piece takeaway. (It also forces you to reach down more and puts your right shoulder down creating a nice golfer setup position.) This is to prepare for the late hit (Rorie's practice swing). Just turn around (one-piece takeaway) like Rorie and immediately hit - a quick 1, 2 swing. The right hand fires automatically. Also, the right hand grip is dominantly felt all the time, ready to work at a moment's notice. Employ what I learned here on all aspect of the golf swing, putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing. Finally, just like Hogan, the arms and grip is one solid unit.
2024-05-24: At Crestbrook with Rudy.  I can't clear my hips again. I think the solution is to let the grip go pass the ball before engaging any attempt to turn around. I think when the grip is stuck downwards pass the ball, clearing the hips becomes automatic. LET THE HIPS THROW THE UPPER BODY (CLUBHEAD), THEN CLEARING THE HIPS IS NO ISSUE! And how about a no-think swing? Possible. Just use extreme right elbow sit on stomach to start a one-piece takeaway. Well, try to go further, make the right elbow really sticky that it forces the left shoulder to twist more (there might something to this, this is a novel idea).
2024-05-31: At Crestbrook with Rudy again. On YouTube, watch Hogan's swing again and confirmed that he hits the ball when his body is already facing forward. Meaning, he hit his ball like a Side-Swing. I tried this and incorporated all the things in this History section so far and it worked! SO I WILL REWRITE ALL THIS AND REVISE THIS POSTING AND TITLE IT SIDE-SWING GOLF.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Battering Ram Roundhouse Dukot(bowling) Richter Golf Swing



My golf quest was precipitated by an incident on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I unbelievably scored a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts. Now I believe it was the trebuchet effect - not a golf technique - that made it happen. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a trebuchet, that made my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

I remember that day at Richter Park, the 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go (like I had been doing from the first hole), just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it! Now I know. I pulled the club grip towards the ball and unleashed my upper body to turn around to a picture-perfect finish.


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I do not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target. This was the precursor to my "Picture-Perfect" finish. I will now make a rule for myself which, hopefully, I will not forget.  Always end the golf swing with the hips facing the target.

Shoulders Hips

The engine, and ONLY engine, of the swing is the shoulders hips. Everything else should be frozenApplies to all: putting, chipping, pitching, full shots.  Although this is not exactly what I was consciously doing when I scored the 78, I have discovered that by consciously using the shoulders hips to swing the club, it simplifies the understanding and execution of the golf swing as a whole. With it, one can just coil and uncoil, so to speak. HOWEVER, WHEN EVERYTHING IS DONE RIGHT, THE HIPS TAKES OVER THE BURDEN OF MAKING SURE THE PICTURE-PERFECT FINISH IS ACHIEVED. 

Parts of the Golf Swing


ALWAYS start with the mental picture of the PLANE. Then a frozen one-piece upper body with the arms bound like Hogan. The mental video is the shoulders (like AJ) turning along the plane with the left wrist cocking the club like a spear. Why the mental picture of the plane is necessary? Because that is the only way my body can transition to the left side and to the picture-perfect pose.

Extreme L-Setup

Essential to the Frozen Technique above is the incorporation of the Extreme L-setup. The L formed by the arms and club is so extreme that the clubhead looks up rather than lie flat on the ground. This setup ensures that the club returns to the ball on the same spot at setup. Remember, the club is taken back like a spear while the shoulders travel along the plane.

Battering Ram

The introduction in the later Middle Ages (around 1400s) of siege cannons causes the end of battering rams and other traditional siege weapons. Much smaller, hand-held versions of battering rams are still used today, however, by law enforcement officers and military personnel to bash open locked doors.

Use the modern battering ram a a mental guide to execute the golf swing.  Heave the golf club backwards, cock to the top, wait for gravity, pull with the hips to bring it forward, then assist the momentum by heaving it forward to a picture-perfect finish. 


Breaking Bad Cock

The normal cock is a right angle with the back of the left hand parallel to the plane. This position, however, is not the best for me. It may be my inability to coil properly or maybe my tendency to early hit the ball that makes this right angle position not work efficiently for me.  What I know is if I break my wrist backward with the back of my left hand almost entirely facing backward of the plane, my shots tend to be pure.

Roundhouse Swing 

Don't make the golf swing complicated. It is a simple roundhouse swing. Backswing using the breaking bad cock, on the bounce, pull with the hips the butt of the club towards the ball, continue to a picture-perfect finish. DONE. Beware. The pull is not a straight pull towards the ball but a roundhouse pull. Goes to say that the upswing must be a roundhouse motion also. NO HURLING NEEDED. JUST A SMOOTH TURN IS ENOUGH. NO INTENT ON HITTING AT ALL. And like Hogan, his arms, grip, and club is one firm solid unit. 



Objective - full coil with a slight Dukot. In order to end up automatically on the picture-perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO CREATE A COUNTER WEIGHT FOR THE HIPS TO PULL AND THROW FORWARD.

      1. Grip: left hand as taught by Hogan with shaft and arm aligned straight to the left shoulder. RIGHT hand almost facing skyward to facilitate a Dukot backswing. The whole weight of the club is carried by the solid firm grip.
      2. Visualize the Teaneck plane.
      3. Lay the club on the ground behind the ball. With the hips, go low and slow, brush the grass while turning back.
      4. Execute the Dukot with the turn like Hogan described, the grip, arms, body, vigorously thrust backward (hurl) like a spear along the plane.
      5. Coil the shoulders along the plane (mental picture like Teaneck days). No active pronating is a must.
      6. When the left arm touches the plane, cock the left wrist (pronated automatically at this point, the back hand touching the plane) to coil the club spear at its max.


Objective: Facilitated by a dukot backswing and employing the shoulders hips, WAIT for the right moment and, and only then can you pull the club, hard enough to let the clubhead fling the coiled shoulders and UNWIND itself CONCIOUSLY to compress the ball and create the divot. (It is like pitching or chipping, you have to wait for the counter weight to develop before you pull the club's butt towards the ball.) YOU MUST SWING THE CLUB BY USING THE RIGHT HIP LIKE A SLAMMING DOOR, WHILE PULLING THE CLUB ALONG THE PLANE.  INCORPORATE RORIE'S EXTREME BUTT HIT?
      1. First move. Using the bounce, uncoil the butt of the club and the left arm along the TEANECK plane backwards. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth. 
      2. Second move. Using the shoulders hips, lower body, make the divot, by additionally utilizing the centrifugal force created by the pull and subsequent follow-through facilitated by the weight shift to the left. In order to get the slinging effect, more coiling of the upper body is needed and the hit is done by the arms and upper body. REPEAT, UPPER BODY FINISHES THE SWING! PAUSE THEN SWING WITH EXTREME FORCE AND HIT A HOME RUN EVERY TIME.
      3. Continue the downswing to a picture-perfect finish with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET! 
      4. Imagining the TEANECK PLANE is necessary
        1. to be able to maintain balance,
        2. for the clubhead to come to the same depth and place at address,
        3. to be able to transition to a picture-perfect finish. 


Always remember, the shoulders hips do the moving. Also, do not forget to set the billiard arms in putting. Always assume that the ball will always go to where the putter is pointed at setup.  The only variable will be the speed. To get a smooth stroke, remember the putt is the same a the full golf swing - it boils down to a mini pull of the putter head. So the backswing must also be also be a mini throw of the putter head.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:
    1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.
    2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.
    3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.
    4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.
    5. Remember, the visualization now is entirely different. The putt (chip) now is done by the billiard right forearm and the stroke is like a Cut.
    6. Remember to always apply the smooth stroke with the smooth transition. Execute the billiard stroke - aiming to the left and not where the putter is pointed. The mental stroke is like a cut but it comes out straight. I don't know why.
    7. ROLL the ball with the right hand. Of course, sometimes, the hit is almost un-discernable, but it is always there.
    8. The target is the front of and passed the ball.


Use the same technique as putting. Guide with the left hand only. COIL and UNCOIL with the shoulders hips turning back and pulling the left arm with it. For imparting SPIN, employ DUKOT.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Shoulders, the Engine of the Golf Swing (battery eam)



My golf quest was precipitated by an incident on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I unbelievably scored a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts. Now I believe it was the trebuchet effect - not a golf technique - that made it happen. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a trebuchet, that made my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

I remember that day at Richter Park, the 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go (like I had been doing from the first hole), just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it! Now I know. I pulled the club grip towards the ball and unleashed my upper body to turn around to a picture-perfect finish.


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I do not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target. This was the precursor to my "Picture-Perfect" finish. I will now make a rule for myself which, hopefully, I will not forget.  Always end the golf swing with the hips facing the target.

Shoulders Hips

The engine, and ONLY engine, of the swing is the shoulders hips. Everything else should be frozenApplies to all: putting, chipping, pitching, full shots.  Although this is not exactly what I was consciously doing when I scored the 78, I have discovered that by consciously using the shoulders hips to swing the club, it simplifies the understanding and execution of the golf swing as a whole. With it, one can just coil and uncoil, so to speak. HOWEVER, WHEN EVERYTHING IS DONE RIGHT, THE HIPS TAKES OVER THE BURDEN OF MAKING SURE THE PICTURE-PERFECT FINISH IS ACHIEVED. 

Parts of the Golf Swing


ALWAYS start with the mental picture of the PLANE. Then a frozen one-piece upper body with the arms bound like Hogan. The mental video is the shoulders (like AJ) turning along the plane with the left wrist cocking the club like a spear. Why the mental picture of the plane is necessary? Because that is the only way my body can transition to the left side and to the picture-perfect pose.

Extreme L-Setup

Essential to the Frozen Technique above is the incorporation of the Extreme L-setup. The L formed by the arms and club is so extreme that the clubhead looks up rather than lie flat on the ground. This setup ensures that the club returns to the ball on the same spot at setup. Remember, the club is taken back like a spear while the shoulders travel along the plane.


Objective - full coil with a slight Dukot. In order to end up automatically on the picture-perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO CREATE A COUNTER WEIGHT FOR THE HIPS TO PULL AND THROW FORWARD.

      1. Grip: left hand as taught by Hogan with shaft and arm aligned straight to the left shoulder. RIGHT hand almost facing skyward to facilitate a Dukot backswing. The whole weight of the club is carried by the solid firm grip.
      2. Visualize the Teaneck plane.
      3. Execute the Dukot with the turn like Hogan described, the grip, arms, body, vigorously thrust backward (hurl) like a spear along the plane.
      4. Coil the shoulders along the plane (mental picture like Teaneck days). No active pronating is a must.
      5. When the left arm touches the plane, cock the left wrist (pronated automatically at this point, the back hand touching the plane) to coil the club spear at its max.


Objective: Facilitated by a dukot backswing and employing the shoulders hips, WAIT for the right moment and, and only then can you pull the club, hard enough to let the clubhead fling the coiled shoulders and UNWIND itself CONCIOUSLY to compress the ball and create the divot. (It is like pitching or chipping, you have to wait for the counter weight to develop before you pull the club's butt towards the ball.)
      1. First move. Using the bounce, uncoil the butt of the club and the left arm along the TEANECK plane back towards the ball. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth. 
      2. Second move. Using the shoulders hips, lower body, make the divot, by additionally utilizing the centrifugal force created by the pull and subsequent follow-through facilitated by the weight shift to the left. In order to get the slinging effect, more coiling of the upper body is needed and the hit is done by the arms and upper body. REPEAT, UPPER BODY FINISHES THE HIT!
      3. Continue the downswing to a picture-perfect finish with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET! 
      4. Imagining the TEANECK PLANE is necessary
        1. to be able to maintain balance,
        2. for the clubhead to come to the same depth and place at address,
        3. to be able to transition to a picture-perfect finish. 


Always remember, the shoulders hips do the moving. Also, do not forget to set the billiard arms in putting. It is essential in ensuring the actual ball path.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:
    1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.
    2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.
    3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.
    4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.
    5. Remember, the visualization now is entirely different. The putt (chip) now is done by the billiard right forearm and the stroke is like a Cut.
    6. Remember to always apply the smooth stroke with the smooth transition. Execute the billiard stroke - aiming to the left and not where the putter is pointed. The mental stroke is like a cut but it comes out straight. I don't know why.
    7. ROLL the ball with the right hand. Of course, sometimes, the hit is almost un-discernable, but it is always there. 


Use the same technique as putting. Guide with the left hand only. COIL and UNCOIL with the shoulders hips turning back and pulling the left arm with it.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Richter Swing


My golf quest was precipitated by an incident on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I unbelievably scored a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts. Now I believe it was the trebuchet effect - not a golf technique - that made it happen. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a trebuchet, that made my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

I remember that day at Richter Park, the 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go (like I had been doing from the first hole), just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it! Now I know. I pulled the club grip towards the ball and unleashed my upper body to turn around to a picture-perfect finish.


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I do not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target. This was the precursor to my "Picture-Perfect" finish. I will now make a rule for myself which, which hopefully, I will not forget. ALWAYS END THE GOLF SWING WITH THE HIPS FACING THE TARGET!

Parts of the Golf Swing

Every golf swing is a 1,2 punch - even a putt. No. 2 is the picture perfect pose.


Start with the mental picture of the plane. Then a frozen one-piece upper body with the arms bound like Hogan. The mental video is the shoulders (like AJ) turning along the plane with the left wrist cocking the club like a spear. 

Extreme L-Setup

Essential to the Frozen Technique above is the incorporation of the Extreme L-setup. The L formed by the arms and club is so extreme that the clubhead looks up rather than lie flat on the ground. This setup ensures that the club returns to the ball on the same spot at setup. Remember, the club is taken back like a spear while the shoulders travel along the plane.


The engine, and ONLY engine, of the swing is the shoulders. Everything else should be frozen. Applies to all, putting, chipping, pitching, full shots.


Objective - full coil with a slight Dukot. In order to end up automatically on the picture-perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic. 

    1. Grip: left hand as taught by Hogan with shaft pointed straight to the left shoulder. RIGHT hand almost facing skyward to facilitate a Dukot backswing. 
    2. Visualize the Teaneck plane.
    3. With the turn of the shoulders, vigorously thrust backward (hurl) the spear along the plane.
    4. Coil the shoulders along the plane (mental picture like Teaneck days). No active pronating is a must.
    5. When the left arm touches the plane, cock the left wrist (pronated automatically at this point, the back hand touching the plane) to coil the club spear at its max.


Objective: Facilitated by a dukot backswing, pull the club hard enough to let the clubhead fling by itself to compress the ball, plus create the divot. 
    1. First move. Uncoil the butt of the club and the left arm along the TEANECK plane back towards the ball. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth.
    2. Second move. Make the divot using the centrifugal force created by the pull and subsequent follow-through facilitated by the weight shift to the left.
    3. Continue the downswing to a picture-perfect finish with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET! 
    4. If the backswing and forward swing is rhythmically done, there will be a feeling that club swung and hurled itself.
    5. IMAGINING THE TEANECK PLANE is necessary, 1) to be able to maintain balance, 2) for the clubhead to come to the same deph and place at address.


Every putt is a 1,2 punch. No. 2 is the roll of the ball with the right hand. By the way, do not forget to use the billiard arms in putting. It is essential in ensuring the actual ball path.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:
  1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.
  2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.
  3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.
  4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.
  5. Remember, the visualization now is entirely different. The putt (chip) now is like a train passing along the train tracks, yes, train tracks.
  6. Remember to always apply the smooth stroke with the smooth transition. Execute the billiard stroke - aiming to where the putter is pointed.
  7. Guide with the left hand only. COIL and UNCOIL with the shoulders turning back and pulling the left arm with it. ROLL the ball with the right hand. Of course, sometimes, the hit is almost un-discernable, but it is always there. 


  1. Use the same technique as putting. Guide with the left hand only. COIL and UNCOIL with the shoulders turning back and pulling the left arm with it. HIT the ball with the right hand.
  2. USE the LEFT shoulder to chip while the right elbow is glued to the stomach ala Hogan's tie-up arms!
  3. For chipping (pitching), just tuck the elbow all the time. This forces the body to control the shot and it ensures a measured-perfect no sculling return to the ball. The breaking LEFT WRIST is the PRIME mover of the chip (and pitch).
  4. Remember SLICING BUTTER WITH THE RIGHT WRIST. This is the secret to the quick stopping chips. 
  5. Every golf move is a 1,2 punch - even a putt/chip/pitch. No. 2 is the picture perfect pose or in putts, chips and pitches, the right hand hit. 

Thursday, September 07, 2023

2023-09-08: I Have Cracked the Code



Although I started documenting my experiences way back in the '80s, my real golf quest started on August 29, 1998, at Richter Park Golf Course where I accidentally shot a 78 while playing with my late friend, Dan O'Reilly, and another walk-in couple, Denise and Bill. How I played that day was a total abandonment of my instincts and even later, I am not convinced that I have discovered what I was doing then. However, now I believe it was the slingshot action - not a golf technique - that made it happen then. Thus it was difficult to discover the golf technique that did it because it was never the technique in the first place. It was actually the total complete continuous golf swing, swung with abandon like a slingshot that was the secret sauce of my perfect golf game that very memorable day.

Of course, I would not be writing like this now if I have not yet found the solution to these problems.  Let us just put it this way, I had to spend 23 years, 20 months, 22 days, and reach the age of 78 to discover the secret of my scoring 78 in 1998! I found on YouTube a mention of the body part that starts the takeaway - the right rib! It was the Eureka moment for me. That mention worked well with my current knowledge and with a little tinkering, I was able to develop it into my own swing - the SOG swing. And why the title is the Stroke of Genius, I will leave the explanation at the end. As of July 10th here in Cancun in Royal Islander,  I can definitely say that the Hogan-style swing is now part of me. Today is my born-again golf day. 

However, today March 26, 2023 in Chicago, while lying in bed reminiscing that day in Richter Park, that 2nd par 5 hole, my third shot, I am looking at the ball and inside me I was telling myself, just let go, just let go, don't think how to hit the ball, just hit it and let go. I did and the ball just disappeared and went, but I don't know what happened and how I did it! Now I know. I pulled the club towards the ball and it released and unleashed my upper body to turn around and bring the full force of the clubhead on the ball. This is the secret of that day. It also is the secret for accuracy and power to the golf swing.

Now I have written that the objective of the backswing is to create a weight for the forward swing to pull, I am now adding that the objective of the forward swing is for the waist twist to unleash the power of the upper body like a trebuchet. Both instances, the lower body is the moving force. The upper body is frozen - one piece upwards and downwards. The path taken by the upper body is akin to the infinity sign.


This is the Beginning. This is the year when there will be no more searching, the Perfect Golf Swing has been found. All the years past is now done, the Quest fulfilled. The Mental Block Obliterated. The Divot perfected.

Parts of the Golf Swing

The main thing that we should be careful about is assuming that the golf swing is composed of independent different parts. This is the farthest thing to the truth. The golf swing is one full inter-connected movement where one integral part, although can be described separately, cannot be taken out - of the whole coordinated and fully integrated movements.

Dukot Setup

These are the parts of the swing which can be left to the reader as their personal choices to discover. This may include the stance, grip, ball positioning, etc. This is up to the reader to learn. However, my setup is a frozen one piece upper body that will be conducive to a waist borne takeaway. It will be a setup that encourages a spear like takeaway with ball positioning to ensure an accurate clubface and ball contact. 

As of April 27, 2023, it was re-discovered that the set-up is something that is essential for my no-think golf . The set-up must be the Dukot setup because it promotes the correct takeaway and promotes the "throw" downswing.  Essential to the set-up then is the LOWERED RIGHT SHOULDER.

Again, today, May 4th, 2023, it should be said that making this a non-essential topic is, in reality, the farthest thing to the truth. The Dukot setup must be like the Putting setup (everything triangulated) where there is a feeling of control that one can feel. The most obvious one is when the right shoulder is lowered and the club grip is left hanging down by gravity - the left wrist bends the club shaft against the right V of the hand. Not so obvious is the RIGHT ELBOW GLUED AND TUCKED IN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE STOMACH.  Everything feels that this is how it should be. ONLY then can the club continue its upward move.


When the reader has positioned himself or he is done with the setup, this is the action that follows.

Waggle is the left wrist breaking on top of the right-hand palm. The right arm is kept straight and frozen to the right rib. Only the left arm waggles - in essence. And when this is done repeatedly, the plane magically appears ala Ben Hogan's plane. Hogan has a big waggle and it is necessary to be able to make the plane appear in the mind.

Not only will the plane appear but it is during the waggle that the DUKOT upswing will be brought into play. Seeing the plane with the lowered right shoulder, the shoulders will "pull in" backwards the club, and in the process, making sure the lower body still faces the ball (in reality, it will get pulled also) - telling the consciousness that you are still targeting the ball and you are bringing back the clubhead so that you can throw it vigorously towards it again.

Right Ribs and Elbow (RRE)

At all times whenever physically practical, the right ribs and right elbow must be fused together. THE RIGHT ELBOW GLUED AND TUCKED IN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE STOMACH. This position and feel are the essences of the golf swing. These are the body parts that are frozen one-piece and pushed by the left hand during the dukot takeaway. They are essential in all swings, e.g., chips, and pitches.

Extreme L-Setup

Essential to the Frozen Technique below is the incorporation of the Extreme L-setup. The L formed by the arms and club is so extreme that the clubhead looks up rather than lie flat on the ground. This setup does two things. It ensures that the club returns to the ball on the same spot at set-up. In addition, it makes the dukot takeaway by the waist of the club intuitive and employs centrifugal force to bring the club up. Note that the club is taken back like a spear along the plane.

Stiff Triangle One-Piece (STOP) Takeaway

Self-explanatory? Not really. This section promulgates the frozen upper body with the shoulders (lowered right) turning (along the plane), the arms, the hands and the club - all frozen together is one piece. One can say that the whole upper body is the club itself.

Also, just before the takeaway, the arms are fully hanging down and the grip gently resting on the hands (Extreme-L Setup). THE RIGHT ELBOW GLUED AND TUCKED IN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE STOMACH REVEALING THE PLANE.. At the takeaway (started by the left hand but powered by the waist), the fused RRE then pushes the SHAFT upwards like a spear along the plane (right shoulder lowered). The downswing is powered by the Hogan tied-up arms with the left forearm SLASHING THRU ALONG THE PLANE LIKE A WET TOWEL IN ORDER TO FLIP THE CLUBHEAD AROUND FOR A PICTURE PERFECT END. THIS MOTION CURES THE CHICKEN WING SYNDROME THAT I SUFFER WITH.

(Copied from the "My Trebuchet Swing" article posting) 2022-05-25:  It important to note that the automatic snap of the club together with right hip closing and the created divot are the natural result of the correct execution of the downswing. Otherwise, the clubface will close early with the tendency to end up with a duck hook and/or chicken wing follow through.)

Putting It Al Together (with DUKOT)

There are multiple ways to execute the golf swing. Most golfers will prefer to twist the body ang finish the upswing with the club parallel to the ground  at the top - the closer to parallel being the gage to success.

However, my objective of the upswing is to create a "desired" counterweight that can be felt and pulled on the downswing back to the ball. This way, it will be easy to unload the body twist (shoulder twist) at the bottom of the swing. This will be a very distinct twist at the bottom - very different from the traditional untwisting where the untwisting is not as "violent".

At address, lower the right shoulder, open the clubface a little bit to facilitate a pronation and the spearing move with the DUKOT takeaway. This will help in a fuller and tighter upswing but above all, it will facilitate a snapping and follow through hit on the ball. The upper body will instinctively supinate by staying ahead of the clubface, thereby, making the follow through automatic.

Using the shoulders (waist consciously left alone), turn the whole frozen upper body and arms for the upswing (do not forget the spearing action of the golf club), feel the weight of the club, then, using the waist, pull the weight (of the whole frozen upper body) or the club towards the ball. Then let the whole frozen upper body automatically turn clockwise to create the divot and photo finish look. It should be noted that the whole upper body turning automatically is the source of the kinetic power impacted to the golf ball.

SIDE NOTE:  Today, March 26, 2023, there is a better explanation on the purpose of the downswing. It's main objective is to let the frozen upper body (and shoulders, arms, hands, club) automatically turn around and unleash its power on hitting the ball. It (frozen upper torso/body) acts like the trebuchet releasing the club like a slingshot to throw the ball forward with KINETIC power. 2023-04-15: Just go and watch the fucking Jack Nicklaus lifetime video!

Starting May 9, 2023, use the FOREARM/SHAFT to hit the ball for ALL shots, even putting. This technique prevents being ball bound.


This is the tucked right elbow set followed by the fused waist slinging the club upwards along the elbow plane. The whole body comes along with the club. The waist then goes the same way on the downswing,  bringing along the fused club downwards continuing through and upwards along the plane to the finish.

The main thing about this swing is the frozen body with the club acts in a singular harmonious way with all the parts in a synchronized as if melodic motion slushily swimming and on the plane without effort.

The tucked elbow should really be tucked ELBOWS or tied-up Hogan arms. The right tucked elbow enhances the waist centric swing while the tucked left elbow prevents the chicken wing fault.

2023-05-28. When the setup is done, the way to take a divot is to imagining hitting with the whole face of the club. Use the left forearm as the slicer(vs. plane) and, of course,  the L-WAIST as the driving force (like closing the door with the waist). When all is said and done, let the waist (left, right) MAKE THE SLICING MOVE for an unimpeded and STRONG swing.  BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER, THE SECRET IS THE FUSED ELBOW LOWER BODY, HURLED BY THE WAIST - WHICH CREATES THE TIMING AND POWER TO THE SWING.


On Feb. 15, 2015, the caddie at Villamor CC, I only know him as Jun 13, found something missing in my swing.  He noticed that I do not finish my swing. He demonstrated to turn the right hip at the end of my swing and face the target.

Can you imagine back then, I was already given the correction to my fault and I did not heed it? What a dummy!

Well, I will now make a rule for myself which, which hopefully, I will not forget. ALWAYS END THE GOLF SWING WITH THE HIPS FACING THE TARGET!

Here is now my latest golf swing as of June 2, 2023:

  1. Set up with the TUCKED ELBOW.
  2. Execute the no. SEVEN upswing where the left elbow ends up against the chest and forming like the number seven (arm and shoulders).
  3. Close the right hip and end with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET!

Here is my golf swing as of June 11, 2023: Now understanding the use of the body as a trebuchet where all parts must be rigid and the power emanating from the foot attached to the ground. (Remember the golfer seated on the bar stool demonstrating power is lost / counter-balanced when the stool is not rigid?) In addition, in order to end up automatically on the picture perfect pose, the COIL must be employed so that the uncoiling is automatic. And for accuracy (feels like aiming with a rifle sight), use the left hip to DUKOT takeaway the club backwards along the plane. Uncoiling should be automatic and you should see the clubhead coming back through the desired path and depth.

  1. Set up with the TUCKED ELBOW and the HOGAN TIED-UP ARMS.
  2. 2023-06-14: Pull and Push with the RIGHT hip.
  3. Visualize the plane.
  4. With the left hand, throw the clubhead back along the plane (Remember the right hip dominates).
  5. Coil along the plane (dukot move). Memory jogger: On the plane, the right arm stretches forward while the left hand throws the the club shaft back, momentarily forming a V.
  6. Uncoil the clubhead back through the ball ala Briella - pure pull, no push hit (Remember the right hip dominates)
  7. If the backswing and forward swing is rhythmically done, there will be a feeling with the hands that club swung and hurled itself.
  8. End with the HIPS FACING THE TARGET!

OH MY GOD, THE SOG IS THE INFINITY STROKE! (2023-03-26: update this section to incorporate the trebuchet downswing)

The STROKE OF GENIUS is actually the entire smooth transition from the backstroke to the forward stroke connected with a bounce. It is the stroke with rhythm. And now we know the complete story - we can proceed to learn the details because we know the big picture.

So in golf, we know now how to execute the SOG. COIL with the left shoulder, wait for the bounce, and then paint the ball! We just have to learn how much distance and ball action (flight and spin) we cover from each club, from varying trajectories (ball positioning).

Wow! So much to learn still.

But remember that this is the same theory that is on display when we say that there is no upswing or downswing. It is one motion that cannot be described independently of one another, something that cannot be split apart. THE GOLF SWING IS A CONTINUOUS INTER-RELATED MOTION and CAN NOT be picked apart. In short, the RRE and PLAT are the golf swing - combined. 2022-08-28: But can we imagine it clearer if we say the golf swing is a compendium of several stacked TREBUCHETs coiled from early cock, body muscle pull, leg pull - and the uncoiling in reverse on the downswing?


By the way, do not forget to use the billiard arms in putting. It is essential in straightening the actual ball path and ensuring that the ball behaves as imagined and intended.

There is something beautiful in a stance like this:
  1. Feet close to one another to facilitate automatic turning.
  2. Open the body approximately 45° to the target line and the right forearm is kept parallel to the target line like a billiard stroke.
  3. Amazingly, the putter shaft droops perpendicular to the T-line and so is my left arm (almost)! Since this line is perpendicular to the target line, use it to align the putter to the target.
  4. It feels so good but looks kind of weird seeing both arms triangulate at the grip.
  5. Remember, the visualization now is entirely different. The putt and chip now are like a train passing along the train tracks, yes, train tracks.
  6. The RRE is employed and it controls the movements of the putter. The RRE body brings back and rolls the ball forward. 2022-09-23: The left arm is kept stiff and only supports (PALM FACING SKY) the weight of the club. Address the ball at least one and a half inches apart. The ball rolls nicely, pretty straight, and with no yips.
  7. 2022-09-13: Don't let the eyes be on top of the ball since you will guide using RRE the movement with the shaft rather than the putter head. The eyes over the ball promote a push-right motion imparted on the ball. The other way corrects it. 2022-10-04: And the hit is not a hit but a pull of the ball towards the (don't forget RRE) hole and keeping the rails of the pointed at all times (towards the hole).
  8. ALSO, IMAGINE ROLLING THE BALL FROM THE FRONT OF THE PUTTER GOING TO THE TARGET. This will help in accuracy since the setup is secondary. It will also help in properly lagging the ball to the hole.

Another (maybe better) is a point-and-shoot technique. Set the putter down and pointed to the target line. Bring the putter back with the RRE. SOG and pull forward with the RRE.

Remember to always apply the smooth stroke with the smooth transition - the SOG. Execute the billiard stroke - aiming to where the putter is pointed.



The RRE prevents shanking, don't forget; more especially on short shots like pitching.


Use the same technique as putting. Guide with the left hand only. COIL and UNCOIL with the RRE. 2022-08-31: The RRE is more the shoulders turning back and pulling the left arm with it. 2023-05-20: USE the LEFT shoulder to chip while the right elbow is glued to the stomach ALA HOGAN'S TIED-UP ARMS!


2023-07-11: For pitching and chipping, just tucked the elbow all the time. This forces the body to control the shot and it ensures a measured-perfect no skulling return to the ball. 2023-07-26: The breaking LEFT WRIST is the PRIME mover of the chip (and pitch).

2023-09-01: Remember SLICING BUTTER WITH THE RIGHT WRIST. A technique I accidentally felt while pitching at Grassy Hill Country Club at hole number 15, while playing with Winston,  Wednesday,  August 30, 2023. This is the secret to the quick stopping chips. 2

023-09-07: Two things that make this work. First, the cocking of the right wrist is preparatory to a slicing motion. Second, the club is pulled to start the slicing motion. Here is the best way to do this:
1. Usual address position - tucked elbow, dukot hands position. CENTER BALL POSITION for easier dukot upswing. 
2. With the left hand assisting, cock the right wrist in a way where the clubhead starts first until the plane appears. NOTE: THE PLANE IS NOT THE END OF ALL THINGS. IF IT APPEARS, FINE, BUT MOVE ON EVEN IF THE PLANE IS TILTED OUTWARD. 2023-09-18: Experiment with the clubhead fanning upwards - the right wrist oily loose and intentionally paasive. THIS WORKS, CALL IT THE BINHI SWING., BOTH OILY WRISTS, NOT JUST THE RIGHT.
3. With the left hand now in control, turn the shoulders up finishing with a nice feeling cocked right wrist. Pause. 
4. Butt weight shift (This an automatic controllable pause created by the shoulders reversing direction). Turn downswing with the shoulders and simultaneously hit with the right wrist (may also be the left hand leading blow) and follow through without hesitating. The hands hitting at this point may happen but not intentional. It is only a result of a good AJ SHOULDERS swing.
5. The above move should feel like a very smooth up and down motion, a silky feeling movement. 2023-09-08: THIS IS THE CODE, NOW CRACKED and BROKEN. 2023-09-11: include the bounce because it ensures a full turn with the shoulders plus an automatic waist pull. Also, the use of the shoulders, not only powers the swing, but it solves my chicken wing fault. 2023-09-24: REMEMBER THAT THE LEFT HAND HOLDS THE CLUB AND IN CONTROL ALL THE TIME DURING THE SWING. IT BOILS DOWN TO A SMOOTH TURNING OF THE SHOULDERS AND THE CONSEQUENT UNWINDING. 2023-09-26: EXECUTE A "REAL" ONE-PIECE TAKEAWAY to WRAP THE CLUB AROUND THE BODY. 2023-09-29: MY SWING NOW - DUKOT SETUP. ONE-PIECE TAKEAWAY, FIRM WRISTS. OWL FINISH. It is important to imagine you are sticking the clubhead backwards and the implement starts from the left shoulder. This way, the forward swing OWL finish is automatic because you are imagining pulling a long stick and the motion is like casting a big beach fishing pole. 
  1. 2023-10-02: Played at Tradition with Sonny, Winston and Paul. Previous night, I found a SLING NOT SWING video that i sent to Ethan. I applied it but I had timing issues and ball bound bouts. It works but not all the time, plus it has no power - just minimum distance. Next time, change the SLING to an AJ PICK & THROW motion or ONE-PIECE SWING.
  2. Pick and Throw the chipping. That should be the same mental picture for the big swing. You can even half throw it for the short irons, just like the Pros do.
  3. 2023-10-06: YIN YANG SLING
  5. 2023-10-15: Ying YANG or Right Left is good and correct but it works better with one-piece takeaway - which I thought was no longer necessary and did not employ today. Wrong. And fully cock using the left V moving along the plane. The V is more important than the plane. THE V TAKEAWAY ALWAYS FIND THE MAGIC SLOT AT THE TOP AND PROMOTES THE CORRECT DOWNSWING HIT.
  6. 2023-10-22: Ronald said to use the hips. Better, just do Nicklaus' left to right to left foot and the hips can work automatically. BUT THE RIGHT HIP MUST BE CONCIOUSLY BE CLOSED (DeChambeau power move at end of downswing) AFTER THE WEIGHT SHIFT (start of the downswing). 2023-10-26: The secret is not the hips but just the full cock and turn around - intentionally leaving the club still cocked and just turning around to hit the ball. This is also the secret for the chip and pitch and PUTT. 2023-10-30: YinYang Golf (don't for the shoulders in the Yang - forget hitting with the shoulders. It does not work for me.). 2023-11-02: THE PLANE IS ESSENTIAL TO MY GAME! So back to AJ swing using the V along the plane and full cock. 2023-11-06: FULL AJ FROM NOW ON. 2023-11-09: Add the DUKOT hit that will ensure the club going back to the same ball position at setup. In other word, the dukot cures the WHIFF (and Skulls). 2023-11-11: WITH MANLY GRIP OF CLUB LIKE HOGAN (the left wrist is frozen) NOBEL and MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY I HAVE MADE SO FAR. 2023-11-16: And use the left foot to power the swing ala Nicklaus.
  7. 2023-12-08: Simplify the current swing. Just push with the left foot the one piece takeaway body along the plane and just let it bounce back to start the forward swing. Vigorously turn the shoulders to a full finish or owl.
  8. 2023-12-12: billiard putt - concentrate on making the arm work like a pool shot. Do not look at the putter. 
  9. 2024-01-02: This day I started making the left shoulder the prime mover of the swing - in addition to what I was doing currently. It worked GREAT. Next time, implement this post from 2015, "Well let us go back first and explain what an alive grip is.  It is the grip where the right middle finger is used as a fulcrum to balance weight of the club as it is held during set-up.  It automatically also brings the club up at the time of the backswing.

    In addition, let me relate what happened to me today at the driving range.  It is winter here and all my practice is done inside my bedroom.  I just found out how to impart a spin on my chips on my carpet which actually led to my thinking of how the golf swing really works.  What I found out is that the club is actually pulled to hit the ball - and in contrast - not hammering the ball."  Don't forget the left shoulder pivots the right on the upswing upswing. Side note, the alive grip might be the secret sauce that facilitated the Richter swing. At home, the alive grip COCK (2024-01-26 V wrist and butt downswing) seems to promote the Richter automatic swing. 2024-01-09: True, the alive grip is the secret sauce of the Richter happening. But there is more. The alive grip sets up the shot to be done but the mental picture of the required swing is the glue that calls all part of the swing together. In essence,  this is where the mechanics are forgotten. This is my billiard moment. 2024-01-22: The right shoulder pivots the left shoulder on the downswing. 2024-01-25: After Golf Lounge 18, a Bounce must start the downswing. Actually, I am forgetting here the main directive of the Richter Swing, that is, Cocking to  V wrist that is pulled towards the ball. 2024-02-03: I have lost distance. Maybe I should hit with my waist? 2024-02-04: No, throw the club as Ben Hogan portrayed at the Ed Sullivan Show. 2024-02-06: HOGAN'S THROW WORKS. 2024-02-16: TO GET THE EXTREME COCK AND EXTREME HIP TURN NECESSARY FOR THE HOGAN UPSWING AND DOWNSWING, USE THE ALIVE GRIP AND PUSH WITH THE LEFT HIP THE FIRM LEFT ARM ALONG THE PLANE, THEN PULL AND THROW THE WEIGHT OF THE CLUB TO THE BALL AND PHOTO FINISH.

My technique requires that the club shaft, at the backswing, reach PARALLEL TO THE GROUND in all instances 
  1. COCK the club parallel to the ground. Very important to note that raising is done by the flick or COCKING (after the left waist) of the wrist along the plane, employing DUKOT just like a full shot. 
  2. Remember the body turn is necessary. The shoulders turn but the waist is left passive and just pulled by the upper body turn - indicative of the DUKOT principle.
  4. Then... the "body first" pull technique applies in chipping too and it might be a good way to experiment on the full swing.
  6. To make this easier, pull the centrifugal weight and sweep the ball with the left shoulder turn, not the right hip.
  7. SOG APPLICATION TO THE GOLF STROKE: The right hand and arm are the mover that brings back the club. The COCKED left arm remains STIFF and slings back the ball.


  1. 2022-08-04: Played with Winston, Paul Dumlao, and Rolly Alzona. Still no personal swing. Tried Extreme One-Piece takeaway and HIT but cannot get going. The helicopter swing worked but that is not right.
  2. 2022-08-13: Next time try the SOG Bounce. It is really easy for the takeaway also. Do the BBS, freeze for the one-piece takeaway, feel the right elbow resting on the right rib, bring the club head along the plane, let it bounce, and HIT!
  3. 2022-08-27: Kids Philippines. The latest upswing technique works but I lose the mental picture of the downswing. I have to try the cock-first-move (2022-08-28 posting) to it next time.
  4. 2022-09-02: Played with Paul Dumlao at Crestbrook. I fully practiced my LOAD & PULL SWING but it is impossible to be thinking in actual play. Best to learn and rely on muscle memory. USING THE SHAFT TO PUTT AND CHIP WORKS.
  5. 2022-09-05: Found out, on practice at the yard net, that the REVERSE-COCK is the common denominator to a solid golf swing!
  6. 2022-09-13: While practicing using the net - the newly found reverse-cock swing - I noticed that my muscles are starting to tighten up, and even my left-hand grip is solidly gripping the club. The effect is solid hard hits that I suspect lengthened my distance.
  7. 2022-09-18: Perfected the Reverse-Hit.
  8. 2022-09-24: Norwich Golf Course, FFACT President Cup. Still trying to be mechanical in the golf course is not ideal. It is time to play the course and just leave the rest to muscle memory. Next time, just think of the shot needed, load the weight... and pull. No specific mechanics needed... except the left-hand use and the RRE to make the plane appear.
  9. 2022-10-06: At Grassy Hill - just found out that seniors get a discount. But most important, it is hard to bring to the course things you think will work on paper. What may work is just use the big muscles, like "rock the cradle".
  10. 2023-04-15: Played at Deerfield GC with Doy. First time for this season. Thinking too much about the golf swing mechanics was not as fruitful. It just became interesting (for the better) is when I just firmed up my upper torso and just swung with it (frozen) and just made sure I let go with the follow through. Not too much thinking, more on the feel. This works. Incidentally, the previous post talks about the same experience. Turns out the simple swing I am trying to describe is the Jack Nicklaus swing. So just watch the video!
  11. 2023-04-21: TIMING (pull and turn). Maybe it is best just to use the left hand fully - pronation and supinating and throwing the clubhead at the ball. Rather than pulling with the body and timing the closing of the hips to hit the ball. TAKE NOTE - THIS IS A BIG REVERSAL TO WHAT IS POSTED IN THIS ARTICLE. 2023-04-25: NAAH. LEAVE EVERYTHING TO AUTOMATIC SWING. NO MORE THINKING.
  12. 2023-04-27: Played 9 holes at Sidney R. Marovitz Golf Course in Chicago. Took a while to find the swing I brought in the course. Turned out it was the DUKOT. However, the dukot only came to light when I set up the grip in a way that it made the shaft looking backwards, and easy to take away backwards.
  13. 2023-04-27:  Copied from previous postings about dukot: There is one basic swing for me now - just like the lady swing I saved in Viber. Dukot upswing and simple automatic no nonsense downswing - with a pause at the top. IT IS POSSIBLE, NEVER WAVER. And why the dukot swing? Well, to start, it prevents the chicken wing fault. Also, this swing is lower body dominant, the left hand only guides the club head, and the COIL (by fused right ribs and elbow), and UNCOIL (by the left side of the body) are the muscles employed. Use the shoulders along the plane together but the hips are better. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO FOCUS THE DOWNSWING FORCE TOWARDS THE HOGAN BALL POSITION TO BE ABLE TO TRANSITION SMOOTHLY THE WEIGHT TRANSFER AND CLOSING OF THE HIPS, OTHERWISE THE CHICKEN WING RESULTS. 
  14. 2023-04-28: How do you swing any club like a short iron or wedge? Easy, control them like short iron or wedge. Imagine you are hitting the ball like a wedge!
  15. 2023-05-09: Played at Deerfield GC. Tried to learn chipping and pitching to augment my Dukot full swing and employed my SHAFT technique. It really worked so well that I used is for full swings too! Turns out, this also worked well. So from now one, I will use DUKOT for the upswing and FOREARM/SHAFT for the downswing.
  16. 2023-05-19: Deerfield GC. Getting better. Still have the slight chicken wing problem causing my inability to nicely take a divot. Solid bogey player now. Excellent putting technique. Poor chipping, especially with the abundant rough around the green.
  17. 2023-05-23: Deerfield GC. Nothing worked - left forearm, waist turn. Extreme tucked right elbow did facilitate the plane. We should try, of course, ALL with the extreme TUCKED right elbow setup:
    1.  more of the auto snap-in-mind swing. Really promising. 
    2. Full body swing may be better. Must try this on the course. 
    3. Additionally, experiment with hitting with the waist alone. 
      1. Maybe in combination with the weight shift of Jack Nicklaus.
      2. Rory McIlroy's waist powered 1,2 punch.
  18. 2023-05-30: Deerfield GC. Tried the L-Waist method / Tucked Elbow Plane - works but the chicken wing still bothered me. Tried the waist twist taught by the cadie in the Philippines. That worked well but not so easy to implement. However I think it cures the chicken wing because it forces the grip to be ahead of the ball - thus the hands can fold up easily negating the chicken wing fault. 
  19. 2023-06-09: Foss Park GC. Implemented the closing waist technique taught in 2015 by a Filipino cadie. Yes, I can do it now but what I ended up doing to achieve this is flipping the clubhead to hit the ball and make my body turn around. It would be better, I think, is to be able to pull the clubhead to slingshot the ball instead. Practice this for the next game. ANSWER: COIL. Use the left hip extensively to raise and hit the ball with full reliance on the constant use of the plane and its swing prerequisites (on plane dukot takeaway). Use this for all shots, including chipping and pitches.
  20. 2023-06-15: Deerfield GC. The 1998 happened again briefly. The feeling is like a tight shell coil from the left hand cock. Think Rickie Fowler swing.
  21. 2023-06-20:  Deerfield GC. Took video of my swing. What I thought I was finishing the swing is not really happening.  It must be done right next time.  SOLUTION: HELICOPTER 1) Set up with the TUCKED elbow.  2) Waggle with the left wrist to find the plane. 3) Fling the club to the top with the left wrist and continue with the shoulders. DUKOT UPSWING. 4) no. 7 if possible. 5) HIT with the shoulders with dukot if necessary.  6) turn shoulders all the way and look at the owl for a second. IF THE DUKOT HIT IS DONE, THE OWL IS AUTOMATIC. 
  22. 2023-07-17: Crestbrook with Dante and Ernie. The above worked. In addition, I found out the incorporating the coil (may need to cock the club strongly, but the chest rori swing is needed to coil) and "controlled" uncoil works best with it, in lieu of just plain helicopter way.
  23. 2023-07-24: At Grassy Hill with Winston. Today is the first where I think my swing is now in conformity with the standard golf swing. I just need to play more to hone my swing. But, unlike at Crestbrook, I did not get the body ache. The problem is I was not fully making a backswing and my forward swing was not a bounce back auto forward swing. I should make sure next time to make my backswing stronger to create a bounce. I REMEMBER NOW. THE SECRET OF YHE KID IN THE QUEST DRIVING RANGE IS THE BOUNCE. THE HARDER HE BRINGS THE CLUB BACK, THE HARDER THE CLUB BOUNCES AND RELEASES, THE LONGER THE BALL GOES. LEVERAGE IS THE KEY IN THE FORWARD MOTION AND RELEASE IS THE KEY TO LONGER HITthtS. GO BACK TO HELICOPTER GOLF, EASIER TO IMPLEMENT. 2023-07-29: IT IS THE LEFT THUMB THAT POINTS TO WHERE THE CLUB SHAFT IS GOING UP - and the plane is an after thought, not should be in the mind during the swing.
  24. 2023-07-31: At Crestbrook Park GC with Ernie. Big discovery. I found when I was doing the Left Thumb golf on the backswing that the forward swing is done by the body rotating back - no arms at all. Pure body forward swing. 2023-08-02: Actually, the hips (weight shift) throws the shoulders around - to hit the ball with added force. SO, USE THE HIPS! The upper body swings like a one-piece club.
  25. 2023-08-12: At Crosswinds, Played well with the LEFT ARMS backswing, BODY on forward swing. Remember the discovery at Crestbrook? Arms only going left, body pull going right. Excellent for CHIPS. Use the Helicopter and LEFT Thumb next time.
  26. 2023-08-14: Grassy Hill with Paul Dumlao and Rolly Alzona. Found my natural swing. I will now call it CRESTBROOK  and revise this article to explain the swing and include comments why I am doing each part of my swing. Basically, it boils down to left thumb, helicopter, coil, and explode naturally - left wrist also hitting. Make sure to end up facing the owl. With this swing, I can now go for distance and create the divot. BUT THE VIDEO SHOWED ME NOT FINISHING THE SWING TO THE TOP! Read the Ben Hogan book again since my swing is becoming his swing. In other words, I should be able to understands his words better now. It can also be my reference book now. For example, I may have a question whether the hips can power the downswing. He explains it better in his book. Hips starts the downswing but the power is provided by individual parts cemented together. 
  27. 2023-08-23: Tony Boy's tip: SHOULDERS. Played with Winston at Grassy Hill. Tony Boy's shoulder-dominant swing works. Couple it with the left thumb and the bounce-bounce and it becomes a formidable swing. Right thumb on the downswing? Bounce-bounce may be easier to execute.
  28. 2023-08-27: Played at Grassy Hill with Winston, Paul, Dean. Still not confident on the downswing and follow-thru using the shoulders alone. Next time, use the Owl on the forward swing. Tucked Elbow, Thumb, Bounce, Owl. THE ESSENCE OF A CHIP AND A FULL SHOT IS THE SAME: BOUNCE AND PULL.
  29. 2023-09-01: Revamp the swing. From now on, SLICE THE BUTTER WITH THE RIGHT WRIST (WINSTON COCK), then USE THE SHOULDERS TO SWING, and at the bottom, AUTO-HIT THE BALL WITH THE RIGHT WRIST (with a PULL). BUT REMEMBER, SLICING THE BUTTER ONLY WORKS BECAUSE THE GRIP IS PULLED. 2023-09-11: include the bounce because it ensures a full turn with the shoulders plus an automatic waist pull.
  30. 2023-09-14: Crestbrook with Rudy Ocampo, Sonny Bas and Winston Magno. Finally figured out what I was doing when I scored 78 at Richter in 1998. It is just a pure AJ swing. In order to duplicate it, when in the course, just take a practice swing, then place the ball where the practice swing hit the ground. Trust yor instincts and repeat the real swing. REMEMBER IT IS A PURE AJ SWING, THE SWING PULLS THE CLUB AND HITS THE BALL BY INSTINCT. And use the instructions in the chipping section. The setup and upswing still apply. Lastly,  chipping and pitching is also done this way - practice swing, then hit instinctively. 
  31. 2023-09-28: Crestbrook Park, Played alone. Played the latest dukot Setup, wind-unwind shoulders hit. Worked great but found myself ball bound again. Need to learn Divot golf now. 2023-09-29: MY SWING NOW - DUKOT SETUP. ONE-PIECE TAKEAWAY, FIRM WRISTS. OWL FINISH.
  32. 2023-10-02: Played at Tradition with Sonny, Winston and Paul. Previous night, I found a SLING NOT SWING video that i sent to Ethan. I applied it but I had timing issues and ball bound bouts. It works but not all the time, plus it has no power - just minimum distance. Next time, change the SLING to an AJ Pick and Throw motion.
  33. 2023-10-26: Crestbrook with Sonny Bas, Rolly, Paul Dumlao. Today I tried to use full cocking and the right hip hit. Something worked but putting both cock and hip together is hard to do. Concentrating on the full cock helped in getting more nice long hits. There seems to be something missing. When I got back home, I tested chipping with full cock and just turned around without lowering the club. That clicked and it also answered my difficulty during the round. I was trying to hit with the right hip (and lowering the club) but I should just leave the full cock and just turn around with it - no conscious right hip anymore or conscious lowering of the club.
  34. 2023-11-02: Played with Paul at Grassy Hill. Tried the no-think game. It was okay but you can also say it was a disaster. By the end of the round I actually forgot how to swing the club. It took up until the next morning to figure out that my swing is based on having a mental image of the plane at all times. Otherwise, i become like a rudderless boat. THE PLANE IS ESSENTIAL TO MY GAME!
  35. 2023-11-30: Played with Winston and Paul. The Nicklaus swing (left foot focus) with the firm left wrist (no bending) works. That is my swing from now on.
  37. 2024-03-04: Is the Flying Tailbone the key to the Richter Secret? Showed something at Grassy Hill today- effortless distance. 2024-03-07: tomorrow I will prove this using Nicklaus "butt" pull swing and Hogan "arms bound" one piece takeaway and tighten the body twist. IT IS THE TIMING OF THE TURN...a ONE, TWO PUNCH. 2024-03-12: Every golf swing is a 1,2 punch - even a putt. 2024-03-13: No. 2 is the picture perfect pose. 


2022-07-13: Forget looking for a better distance until 2024. Get used to the new swing first.

2023-03-26:  The power has now been discovered. It is the waist twist on the downswing that hurls the upper body like a trebuchet and unleashes the golf ball like a slingshot.  Today, the secret has been discovered! THE INFINITY WAY.