Thursday, December 10, 2015

Double Cock Golf: Emphasis on the Swing Speed


08DEC2015: cerebral explanation of the takeaway. It measures the distance of the ball to the shoulders and moves the club clockwise along the target line. IT DOES NOT LIFT THE CLUB. THE TURN OF THE SHOULDERS DO THAT. 15DEC2015: YES, THE RIGHT HAND NEVER LIFTS THE CLUB, THE SHOULDERS DO THAT. BUT THE RIGHT HAND BACK FLIP IS REALLY THERE TO PREPARE FOR THE SLAP OR HIT OF THE BALL.  By the way, the proof is in the pudding. Chips will be pure and the chili dips are eliminated.

19DEC2015: By the way, instead of the right hand slap, make it a full cock of the left hand. This way, the body will take over to slap the ball with the left hand. This is way over better than putting the right hand in play.

08JAN2016: Cock the right hand, cock the left hand, then turn around.
1) Cock the right hands flipping the club backwards using the right wrist. Experiment in order to get the best repeating backward flip. Remember that the intent is to get the club going on the ground level to parallel of the target line (plane) so that the shoulders can turn and lift the club along the plane and cock the left hand. 19JAN20116: Instead of cocking the right hand, maybe it is easier to imagine it as the right hand bending back to prepare to "slap" the ball.

2) THE HIT IS DONE BY THE SHOULDERS ALA JASON DAY. Actually, the hit is better done with the right hip which makes you feel you are executing a Rick Fowler swing instead. Using the right hip to hit the ball does two things.
   a)  It automatically shifts the weight to the left foot which wedges it to the ground and uses the energy of the ground for more power.
   b). It automatically turns the body around and squares the club face to the target in the process.
   c)  19JAN2016:  At the top, there is no intention of the hands or arms actively moving to make the hit.  Instead the lower body turns around to hit the ball bringing the upper body with the left arm extended on the right side, left wrist firm - around to hit the ball.  Definitely, the ball is hit when the body is already facing the target - unusual but that is the way it is.