Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Greatest Secret in Golf is the Back Swing

The back swing is most important aspect in learning the golf swing. If executed correctly, the body is set into automatic golf.  The purpose of the back swing is to coil the body enough to make the recoil automatic.  There really is no forward swing at all.  It is just the recoil of the coiled body that pulls the club head towards the ball and nothing else.  So once the body is coiled correctly, the golf swing goes on full auto mode. Nothing else to consciously learn and do.  But if this is so simple how come everybody seems to be having a problem hitting the ball?  Maybe the answer is because everybody is different and even if taught a way - my way, the mind, body parts, and muscles just do not coordinate in a general common way.  However, it seems that I have found mine.  You can try to see if it also works for you.

First you must know what a golf plane means in golf.  If you do not know what this is, try to grab one of Hogan's book and learn the plane.  Also I am going assume that you know the basics - grip, stance, etc.  Actually, I am going to assume that you have been playing golf for a while and you only need to be taught "my back swing way".

OK, let us start.  Set up and stand over the ball - the golf stance.  With the "alive" grip explained in my other posts, let the left wrist actively waggle (cock) the club.  The club must come back and forth along the plane (yes the plane must now be visualized).  When mentally ready, TURN THE SHOULDERS ALONG THE PLANE, and with the left wrist, COCK and PRONATE the club head along the plane and let the left shoulder continue bringing the club head ( and back of left hand) along the plane.  When coiled, all the rest should be automatic.  That is it - simple! BUT THE SHOULDERS MUST TURN ELSE SHANKS WILL RESULT.

It should be noted that at the moment I have gone back reading Hogan's Fundamentals of Golf.  Everything I am doing now, together with the automatic back swing I have related here is just an implementation of the Fundamentals as taught by Hogan.  Why am I bringing this up?  It is just a reminder for me that everything is interrelated as Hogan says and we have to make his golf fundamentals our template for the correct golf.  We have to read it and make sure that we are in sync with it - else we may revert to bad habits later on.