Monday, August 21, 2006

Flat Footed Golfer?

With the golfer image that we always see on TV, we tend to imitate it so closely that we tend to pose like a golfer. One of the things I am sure I am guilty of is raising the left foot because that is how the pros look at the top of their swing - the left heel raised. But have we stopped and thought about how the pros got to that position? I "pose" to that position but the pros' left heel was pulled to that position - the difference is that they have the muscle tension but mine is just for show - no valid tension (in golf parlance) at all.

Maybe, for the neophytes in golf like me, we should just stay flat-footed on our backswing and let the tension happen by itself. As matter of fact, this flat-foot rule can be elevatedt to the same stutus as the rigid-right knee rule. Let us try this out for now.

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