Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hogan's secret a secret even to him

Finally, we can say that I have found the mother of all mother - Ben Hogan's secret. You can find his secret in my previous post.

In Hogan's book, he wrote,"WHEN YOU FINISH YOUR BACKSWING, YOUR CHIN SHOULD BE HITTING AGAINST THE TOP OF YOUR LEFT SHOULDER." What he didn't realize is the left shoulder is the key to chips and putts. Had he known, he would have been a better putter like Tiger Woods. Therefore, we can extend the argument that Tiger is really better than Ben.

The problem with this secret, although I have named it Ben Hogan's secret, is Ben Hogan was not really aware of it. If he knew it he would have been a great putter, not merely one with a great golf swing. We all know that he was not so, ergo, he himself did not know why his published golf fundamentals works for him and only a few others.

This secret will catapult the golf skills of anybody. It is a game changer. Now, armed with it's knowledge, golfers can aim to make putts (of course), chips, pitches, and even full swings - not merely trying to put it near the hole.

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