Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Cock and Fire Golf

Cock as in cock the gun. However the intent is really for golf.

The Cock and Fire Golf technique separates the back swing muscles to the forward swing muscles. It postulates the two-piece swing technique and that most golfers get the swing technique completely wrong.

Let us in a nutshell first give the description for each type of golf shot:

  1. Putting - the shoulder brings back the putter and the hands hit the ball.
  2. Chipping - on the fringe and almost like putting, use the putting technique above. Other chipping, back swing is done by the fingers, forward swing is done by the clasp hands.
  3. Pitching - same as full shots.
  4. Full Swing - the back swing is done by the shoulders, the forward swing is done by the hips (no hand action at all).

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