Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Important Swing Thoughts or What to Forget When Hitting the Ball

In order of importance:

  1. SETUP:
    1. The usual stance, etc. - mostly from Hogan.
    2. Last, make sure the alive grip is employed.
  2. FORGET: 
    1. All the rest, like Hogan mentioned as fundamentals of golf are plain mechanics but forgotten during the golf swing execution. 
    2. Empty your mind except the following: 
  3. TWIST: 
    1. Employ the helicopter technique while rotating the shoulders
    2. The back swing must be fully executed up to the full cock of the right hand fingers
    3. The twisting is fully felt by body muscles. There is a definite muscle "bounce" at the top before the:
  4. UNTWIST:  
    1. It is the reverse motion of the helicopter rotors
    2. After the bounce at the top, shoulders are untwisted back
    3. Reminder: The arms and everything else is just part of the mechanics but dropped from consciousness when the downswing is started.
    4. There is a deliberate effort to not think of hitting the ball at all - this should not be a part of the downswing.

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