Tuesday, May 14, 2013



After all is said is done, rhythm is everything.  It is the glue that binds all the learned mechanics together.  Without it all is for naught.  When pieces of an artist creation are not glued together, they stay as pieces and not an art.

Take putting.  Bring back the putter with the right hand and swing forward with the shoulders.  Easy said but in practice, there is something off sometimes.  You feel it but cannot put your fingers on it.  You keep practicing to get the "feel" back.  It is rhythm that is missing.

What is rhythm in the golf sense of it then? This may be a personal thing for me.  To others, this can be automatic or inborn.  But golf rhythm is something I was not born with... I have to work hard for it.

Golf rhythm is the merging of the backswing to the forward swing in such a way that it is melded into one beautiful move... the one that delays the hit and creates the backspin, the one that makes the ball farther, the one that makes the hit sound ecstatic.

Grip 101 - Positioning

The hands must be ahead of the ball at address.  This is especially true for chips with stopping action.  The right hand grip should feel like the club is pinched but the hand is already cocked at address.  It is an unusual feeling where you know you have put the hands ahead of the position of the ball.  As a matter of fact, the club butt should be pointing left of the body while the eyes and ball position are on the center of the stance.

12Jul2013:  Something to experiment in the future.  Make the left hand responsible to the path of the ball (fade or draw) and the right hand for the trajectory.  Both should be accomplished by how the hands are positioned on the grip.

Finally the Secret

And I thought the secret to the backspin is the grip! What a mistake.  It helps and can be used with the secret but the secret is the flail with the left hand!  Yes the flail! Yes, it is the full cocking of the right and the left hand pulling and flailing the club underneath the ball.  The difference with the flail is where the fulcrum of the swing happens.  With the flail, the fulcrum is the hands.  On full shots and the putter, the fulcrum is the shoulders.  Like I said, the flail can work together with the Grip 101 and both should maximize the backspin.

One thing to remember is the flail back swing direction or height can vary - either steep to really pinch the ball to the ground or little lower (on chips) to make the ball run farther.

Another thing to remember is the flail is mostly used in chipping and short irons - when spin is needed.  Never with putting and, maybe, with the driver and long clubs too where you want the ball to roll farther but no spin at all.

03July2013: Another perspective to this.  Imagine Tiger Woods' way to blast the driver - full twisting backswing and a jerking forward swing, This is how to do it:

  1. Start the cock very early with right hand.
  2. Continue to twist the shoulder until it is felt by the body.
  3. Now... feel your left hand in control of the club at the top
  4. Hang on... and jerk the lower body around and pull everything connected to the left arm!
  5. THAT IS IT!

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