Sunday, May 11, 2014

Golf 101: Every Golf Move is Started by a Pull

Going straight to the point, the common fact that makes the golf swing a golf swing is the pulling motion applied to hitting the golf ball and most important and not so apparent and almost borders to secrecy is it's application to the take-away.

This pulling motion is employed in all shots from putting, chipping, pitches and full shots.  It is very apparent and most will only equate it to the forward motion employed to hit the golf ball.  However, it is also employed in the take-away motion of the club.  The club head does not start the motion in the back swing.  It is the pull of the hands that pulls the club head backwards and flips it over and around to the top of the back swing... setting the body so that the shoulders (or hands only when applicable) can continue the back swing to the top.

It is also very important to say that this pulling motion - as a topic - is a novel teaching that contradicts the previous postings.  From this point on, the reader must clean the slate.

The Plane (12May2014)

When the arms are locked like the way Hogan described and when the grip is solidly united, it is possible to pull the club with the hands and arms inward and letting the club head go along the plane.  As a matter of fact, my swing should ingrain this take away to the plane.  The reason is it makes it easier to pull the club head downwards to make a divot or brushing motion without the divot.

The Helicopter Swing ala Michelle Wie (17May2014)

The recommended swing technique is the employment of the "helicopter blades" ala Michelle Wie where the shoulders are turned around backwards forcefully and reversed automatically by the bounce created by the body muscles hitting its maximum stretch.  Same forceful "helicopter blades" are employed for the forward swing.

It should be noted that this technique requires the one-piece set-up composed of the Hogan locked arms and the solid grip outlined in the previous paragraph titled Plane.  The shoulders are turned while the arms, grip and club are consciously forgotten. 

Other Set-up Routines

The other fundamentals of the swing are optional and it all depends on the whims of the golfer.   Whatever works is fine.

Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Full Swing

Yes, the initiating pulling action action is integral to every golf swing.  Even in putting where is it not readily discernible, it must be employed.  Including the pulling start in all golf moves makes it easier to create a standard golf swing that will be easy to fix... even while playing.  If a shot went wrong, having this common denominator in all golf moves, one can easily  feel what went wrong in the swing and should be able to correct it on the fly.

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