Saturday, September 20, 2014

Drop and Drag Golf Evolves to Hip Golf

Like I said in a recent posting, the golf swing is a pulling action and not a hammering action.  This is very apparent when putting.  The best move in putting is when the putter is dropped back (back swing) and then dragged forward by a pulling action.  You can call this technique a "
Drop and Drag Golf".

However this posting is not about drag and drop but its evolution to the Hip Golf.  If the setup is done with the intent of drag and drop golf, then it is possible to just use the hips to create the backswing and the forward swing.  When employed, the whole upper body from the hips upward functions like the mechanical golf equipment where the mechanical part just rotates around the center.

It should be noted that employing the hips as the firing mechanism of the swing makes a profound change to the common golf swing method.  Firing the hips makes the golf swing a very mechanical and very accurate swing.  Hogan anyone?  Well, Rory McIlroy comes to mind when you think about a more recent golfer employing the hip swing.

The main thing to remember is how the upper body functions in connection with the hips.  The upper body becomes independent of the hips (remember the keychain?).  The hips throws weight of the whole upper body around backwards and forwards but it only does that - throws the weight. The upper body just rotates back and hits the ball by centrifugal force (but supposedly by muscle memory).  


16Sep2014: USE THE HIPS FOR THE BACKSWING WITH FULL COCKING OF LEFT WRIST AND LEFT SHOULDER REACHING CHIN.  AFTERWARDS, WITH THE LEFT HAND, PULL THE CLUB TOWARDS THE BALL WITH THE MAIN INTENT OF CREATING A DIVOT.  THE LEFT HIP WILL AUTOMATICALLY OPEN BECAUSE THE LEFT ARM PULLING THE CLUB HEAD TOWARDS THE BALL IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO WITHOUT CLEARING THE LEFT HIPS.  19Sep2014: To facilitate this said move, it is imperative that the grip of the left hand must be ultra close or sitting on top of the rubber grip - positioned in such a way that when the hips start the upswing, the left grip rides along the plane as if inverted, ready for the inverted cocking.  The result is a forced winding of the shoulders ending with the left shoulder ramming on the chin and eventually an automatic unwinding or hit towards the ball.  Hit with the LEFT arm and hand and EXPECT A LONGER FLYING SHOT!


Unknown said...

I wanted to appreciate the effort you've made in delivering such useful information to us. My dad is a golf player he loves it. He keeps on searching for new techniques and skills to get perfect golf swing . I'll show him this blog today and he'll love it. Thanks.

Antonio said...

Please show your Dad my latest blog about the "pull" golf. To me, it is the secret not taught by anyone but assumed that we all know it. To cerebral golfers like me, this is the culmination of my search for the perfect golf swing.