Thursday, January 01, 2015

Golf, Ready, Set, Go

What could be the best way to remember how the golf swing should be executed.  It should also be a reminder that is so simple enough that you can use it while you are playing golf... that is, if you are forgetting how to play golf while playing.  This situation has happened to all of us a lot of time.  What could we do to fix the problem?  Well this might be one way of doing it.  Just remember to say to yourself, "Golf ready, set, Go!"


On this topic, we should always remember the set-up.  Go through the correct grip, stance, etc.  Do not put too much emphasis on this topic.  I myself just want to make sure that my grip is solid, the left hand more on the neutral position.  I like to slightly drop my right shoulder and check my club angle in order to avoid skulling the ball (my tendency as a result of a flat swing).


Here I will be thinking first of starting the takeaway with the left hand on a steep trajectory - along the same alignment as the two feet, almost pointing the club upward - twelve o'clock when cocked (see Set below).  Pretty much, I imagine the golf plane to be steeper.  This word reminds me that the left arm takes the club up - along the same alignment of the two feet.


Set to me means that I have to cock the club at the top - still with the left hand and wrist.  It is worthwhile to mention that the takeaway is all done with the left arm and left wrist/hand.  Also, the cocking is done almost pointing perpendicular - twelve o'clock -  to the ground as I tend to be flat on my plane.  Having a flat plane leads to skulling the balls.  Having a steeper plane promotes the divot.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the takeaway is a smooth pronating movement of the clubhead from the ball to the cocking at the top - very connected feeling... all orchestrated by the left hand (pronating along the steep plane).   THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED BECAUSE THE TAKEAWAY IS ALSO A PULLING FORCE.  THE LEFT HAND STARTS ON THE GRIP GOING UP AND SMOOTHLY PULLS THE CLUBHEAD UP UNTIL IT REACHES THE TOP - SOMETHING LIKE A SLING ACTION BUT SMOOTHLY DONE.


Go means "Go SPIN The Body!"  The forward swing is never done with the arms or the hands.  It is all the upper body spinning around and pulling the arms and the club up the picture perfect finish.  IT IS THE SPIN, STUPID! The force comes from the spin or turn and pulling action of the upper body - not the hips as envisioned before.  RORY DOES IT THIS WAY!


Everything in golf is a pulling action.  The TAKEAWAY is a good example - as explained above.  However, the golf hit although it is a pulling action is not particularly done by pulling but by spinning the body (a pull but not just a pull).  Also, since the main force is the pull, particular attention must be rendered on having a solid grip.

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