Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Golf Swing 101 - Details

In line with the objective of using only the big muscles and using simple moves, this is how the swing is to be executed. Essentially, the function of the body or torso (really big muscles) is to bring the club up and down; the left arm is just to stiffen up (brings the club face back to original position); the right hand is to cock the club. I call this Target Golf.

  1. Employ an extreme alive grip starting at the address position. The club must be held tout (see grip section) and well balance - almost like an L at address.
  2. Firm up the left arm, waggle, execute a forward press with the right knee, and bring the club up with the right hand automatically. In reality, the upswing mechanics, when done consciously is a push of the left hip towards the ball. This motion essentially is the correct movement to bring the club up because it automatically puts the left arm along the plane. In practice though, I found it hard to consciously do this - thus, I have relied on muscle memory which in turn is called and started with the forward press.
  3. A positive feeling of the club already cocked and the butt pointing at the ball must be felt at the top.
  4. The beginning of the downswing is characterized by the firming of the left arm and grip.
  5. The hit or downswing is all the body coming back around - no hand movement at all. The arms and hands are there to just follow the body turning and guide the club head towards the ball.
  6. Finish with a picture-perfect golf pose. 14Jul2015: This is essential as it squares back the "fanned" club face back, as well as, scrapes the ground and prevents a fat hit.

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